Marmot Adventures is a semi-biographical story of Stormy, the Yellow-Bellied Marmot, and his friends. The age old adage goes that on the internet no one knows if you're a dog. Stormy wishes to stress that it's really okay to be anyone on the internet, even a furry stuffed marmot.
Looking at the world through adult eyes, we see things influenced by our own experiences and beliefs. Sometimes it's not such a bad idea to take a step back and explore the world through the eyes of inexperience and innocence such as those of a child or, in this case, the eyes of a marmot.
Stormy, his marmot friends, their ghostwriters and technical staff welcome input. If you have a comment or an idea to share, please don't hesitate to do so. Click on feedback below or contact Stormy directly. We read our mail and we answer it.