<B>Marmot Adventures</B>

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Welcome to Marmot Adventures!

Not a lot of people are familiar with marmots in the context of being world travelers, but this isn't your every day website. When most stuffed animals sit on the shelf, we are adventurers. We've covered the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Alaska down to Texas, island hopped Hawaii, Japan, Philippines and Hong Kong and have now set paws on three continents. Our adventures continue and we look forward to seeing many more things.

Welcome to our humble home.

The Marmots
Newest Articles:
2025-02-02Midwinter Reprieve
2024-02-02A Leap February Prediction
2023-02-02Chilled to the Bone
2022-02-02One Cold Marmot
2021-02-02The Flip of a Groundhog

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Today is Friday, February 07, 2025.
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