Marmot Adventures
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Once in a Blue Moon
by Stormy on May 31, 2007

A marmot and a buffalo have nothing in common, but that shouldn't prevent them from grazing together.

This evening I went out for a bite to eat with my buddy Billy the Bison. Billy is the mascot for the STARFLEET 2007 International Conference and having worked with him for a few months, I have to say he's a pretty good buffalo. While staff talked business, Billy and I talked mascot stuff. Being a mascot is a tough job. It's a hard job to get and a hard one to be good at. You're always on camera, always under the microscope and you have to pick every word you say very carefully. Saying something dumb in public is an easy way to become an ex-mascot. It's always about the image! This day was very interesting in particular because it was the last day of the month and had a full moon. That makes it a blue moon and on our way out of the restaurant, Billy and I paused to marvel at this site of nature. Maybe I'm just getting old, but the moon did seem a little blue to me. Pretty cool.

Stormy and Billy going over the meeting's notes.
(taken by Max on May 31, 2007)
There's always a joker around.
(taken by Max on May 31, 2007)
Check it out, a blue moon! And there are two full moons right below it!
(taken by Jennifer on May 31, 2007)

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