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One Cold Marmot
by Stormy on February 02, 2022

On a cold blustery day I still believe in spring.

As I stand in 6" of snow this morning, in 9 degree weather with a wind-chill of -2 degrees – that's -19 degrees Celsius for my European friends – I have just one thought. My teeth can't chatter because I have a horrible overbite. Well, it's not horrible. This is perfectly normal among marmots and all rodents in general, but the point stands. A thick furry coat is nowhere near enough in this weather!

With snow continuing to fall, it's easy to give up and say this winter thing isn't going away any time soon. We still have piles of snow from the last week of January, but I need to look past what this week is like. No shadow. And we are in a La Niña. I'm definitely leaning towards an early spring. Just as soon as this February thing blows over.

It's so cold that snowflakes are not melting when they hit my nose and I'm pretty sure I'm getting snotcicles. Don't give up! Spring is coming! And yes, Punxsutawney Phil and I still don't agree on anything.

Stormy Marmot braves a blizzard to make the 2022 Groundhog Day prediction.
(taken by Stormy on February 02, 2022)

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